Akhirnya punya waktu blogging lagi, huaaaaaahh... senangnya! Sejak seminggu lalu kayak orang gila rasanya, browsing kesana-kemari nyusul ketertinggalan berita tanpa bisa menuliskannya. Tapi sekarang bisa, yeah!
Banyak info menarik seperti bahwa MUSE bakal maen di Lollapalooza (Chicago) dan Kanrocksas Festival (Kansas). MUSE juga ternyata dinominasikan sebagai Top Rock Artist (bersaing dengan Kings of Leon, Linkin Park, Mumfurd and Sons serta Train) serta Top Alternative Artist (bersaing dengan Kings of Leon, Linkin Park, Mumfurd and Sons serta The Black Keys) versi Billboard Music Awards. Moga-moga menang dong, yess!
Banyak info menarik seperti bahwa MUSE bakal maen di Lollapalooza (Chicago) dan Kanrocksas Festival (Kansas). MUSE juga ternyata dinominasikan sebagai Top Rock Artist (bersaing dengan Kings of Leon, Linkin Park, Mumfurd and Sons serta Train) serta Top Alternative Artist (bersaing dengan Kings of Leon, Linkin Park, Mumfurd and Sons serta The Black Keys) versi Billboard Music Awards. Moga-moga menang dong, yess!
Artikel itu sontak bikin musers berbondong-bondong datang ke blog tersebut untuk membela MUSE. Mereka gak rela band kesayangan mereka disebut a worthless English band. Gue ketawa-ketawa baca komen-komen yang kebanyakan isinya tentu saja, ngehujat kolumnis sial itu. Beberapa di antara komen yang gue doyan:
- You are a gossipy woman-goblin, my friend, and you shall be torn apart by the girlie-man’s army of Musers. I hope you hear the worthless English band play Plug In Baby so you too shall get inpregnated by their awesome-ness (yes, it is scientificly possible). The knights of Cydonia are sharpening their blades and they are ready to strike. You will stop degrading us. You will not control us. We will be victorious. Also, Ceiling Dommeh has been watching you, he has been watching you a great deal. He is not happy with you, lady. NOT HAPPY AT ALL. Hope I see you in hell
(Catherine Wright)
- How very dare you!! first, being horrible to Matt Bellamy and Muse, then insulting Buddhists! I am a Buddhist, so I think you should watch your step. I hate Kate Hudson, but what you were saying is cruel. Matt was being kind and holding the Handbag for Kate as she is pregnant: plus, Matt is not a “useless sperm donor”, he is the hottest, not to mention the best, singer, guitarist, pianist and all-round musician since 1979. So you are being very, very stupid and hurtful, and rasist. Plus Muse are not a worthless English band. Get your facts straight, Missy. Sincerly, A Vewy Angwy Pwoper Muser. (Mandii Bellamy)
- I really hope you realised that there are few things that you better should not do… You managed to make 2 of the biggest mistakes anyone can make. Not only did you insult Muse by saying they are a worthless English band (which was already incredibly stupid) but you also had to insult Matthew Bellamy. Now, let me introduce you to the most pwoper,loyal fabase there is: MUSERS. DO NOT INSULT BOTH MATTHEW AND MUSE OR YOU WILL HAVE A HUUUUGE PROBLEM!!! So, I don’t think you will be able to understand this since you have the brain of a goldfish, but I really hope you will not make any comments about either Muse or Matthew Bellamy after this. Face it, you don’t have a life. And for now: FUCK OFF YOU CUNT,YEAH YOU!!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! Sincerely, a pwoper, loyal Muser (DutchMuser)
- Its not a purse, it’s a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one. (Gaby)
- Normally, I would write a well written comment, but to this I have nothing to say besides “what the fuck” and lots of swearing (Oskar)
- As a fifty year old, conservative, white female, I must comment on this poorly written, unresearched piece of crap. I must admit I actually laughed out loud whilst attempting to get through “its” content! Although I know very little about Ms. Hudson, I DO know much about Matthew Bellamy, the brilliant musician, song-writer, highly intelligent but oft hilariously witty front man for the likewise brilliant British band known as MUSE. Ms. Schlussel, rather than waste my time pointing out all of your ridiculous “idiot-like” (yes, I made that up just for you) slurs against men, women and most of mankind in general, I will simply say this; before you attack a brilliant, kind gentleman such as Mr. Bellamy and his bandmates, Dom and Chris, perhaps you should take a look at the reflection seen in your own mirror, and whilst doing so, slowly bring your left hand up… and in your most self-righteous manner, BITCH-SLAP yourself millions of times, once for EACH of us faithful MUSE fans, or as we “pwoperly” and proudly refer to ourselves MUSERS. Kindest regards. (Mrs. Summers)
- You OBVIOUSLY have zero idea what you’re talking about. First off, is it really that weird that a MAN is carrying his PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND’S purse? I think not, I thinks its actually rather nice, given the fact that she’s PREGNANT! And Muse is not an “Worthless English Band”. You can go try and get a grammy, then perform at numerous famous venues like Glastonbury, Wembley Stadium, Madison Square Garden and many more. Oh and on top of that, why don’t you try selling them all out, I don’t think you have any right to call them worthless. And I hope all these comments makes you upset and that you know that you’ll NEVER have a whole army of fans backing you up!
O, musers. I love you.